A vote for John Howard…

…is a vote for Peter Costello. John Howard has all but admitted this on tonight’s 7.30 Report, by stating that he is highly likely to stand down at some point during the next term, assuming he wins the election. No prizes for guessing what one of Labor’s slogans will be now.

The Prime Minister does have a point, however, in saying that he is at least being upfront with voters about his plans. I’m far from comfortable with the resignations of Steve Bracks and Peter Beattie (and Bob Carr before them), mid-way through their terms. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with quitting as Premier, but they really did owe it to their electorate to sit out their full term on the backbench.

The question is, though, now that the people of Bennelong know that their local member is unlikely to hang around for the entirety of the next term, if re-elected, why would they bother with him at all?

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